Planning and prototyping services that commit to your product development and strategy

During planning and prototyping, your new product is perfected and optimised for manufacturing to ensure that it has the best grounds for starting its life as a finished product. At best, each part or sub-assembly lasts as long as the estimated product life cycle.

We will help you succeed in new product concepts and prototyping, zero series manufacturing, prototype productionisation, life cycle extension, improved maintenance experience or recyclability, or other technological advancement.

henkilö työstää elektronista komponenttia tarkasti suurennuslasin alla

Agile and tailored product planning

When you’re looking to work on individual components or whole systems, larger or smaller projects, new products or redesigns, we are your partner beyond compare. We complete every project by listening to your needs and responding to your customers’ wishes.

Close and agile cooperation ensures that your processes work together with ours as well as possible. This allows us to respond swiftly to even the quicker changes in constant product development. Together we can provide value to your customers quicker.

henkilö tutkii elektronista komponenttia tarkasti

Your partner in outsourced product planning

We want to understand the goals and customer needs guiding your product planning. Based on your goals, we suggest a cooperation model that we commit to improve as our work progresses. Our help is especially valuable, when you want to grow and outsource smaller or bigger parts of your product development to a specialist.

The steps in our process include defining your customers’ specific needs, product planning and development, prototype manufacturing and testing, and final planning of the product series.

The tiniest observations can turn into huge successes – this is how we cooperate

When both parties:

  • constantly improve their know-how
  • advance the development of their industry
  • share constructive observations and even impossible ideas to each other,

partnerships are home to unbeatable innovations and technological advancements.

  1. Get to know you and map the possibilities for cooperation.

  2. Set targets and agree on a partnership model, guided by your strategy and vision.

    Meet regularly to carry out joint projects, share views and develop our cooperation.

  3. Help improve your competitive advantage and exceed your customers’ expectations.

  4. Refine our plans to continue mutual growth.

Your responsible partner in planning and prototyping

In planning, we take into account all life cycle stages from material selection to maintainability and decommissioning. We actively familiarise ourselves with new manufacturing materials, preferably recycled or recyclable ones.

We put effort into making our processes transparent, so we can be open about our ways of working and develop our cooperation with you. When requested, we organise factory tours and acceptance testing for you and your customers.

henkilö tutkii elektronista komponenttia mikroskoopilla

Experts of tailored solutions – Bevenic

Our team is full of enthusiastic and insightful developers and engineers, who live for a tight-knit cooperation with you. We listen closely to your needs for product concepts, planning and redesign towards better competitiveness.

We’ll help put your plans and changes quickly into practice through frequent communication and knowledge sharing. We are open in sharing our insights, observations and improvement proposals for your benefit.